U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Talks with Tsinghua Students

By Li Han

Staff Writer of the Tsinghua News Center

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talked with Tsinghua students and teachers during her visit to the Taiyanggong Thermal Power Plant on February 21.

In a prepared speech at Taiyanggong, Secretary Clinton urged that the U.S. and China need to forge wide ranging cooperative efforts to confront the looming climate change issue which faces the world today. Quoting the proverb,“Dig the well before you are thirsty”,  Secretary Clinton told the audience that people  need to take action now to tackle energy and environmental problems before they become unmanageable.

After the speech, Secretary Clinton approached the students gathered at the site to shake hands and talk with each of them. “She is very kind," said doctoral candidate Zhang Dongjie from the Tsinghua-BP Clean Energy Research and Education Center.

U.S. Climate Change Special Envoy Todd Stern also addressed the audience gathered at Taiyanggong, which included Mark Norbom, President and CEO of GE Greater China, Jack Wen, President and Regional Executive for GE Energy for the China Region, experts from Tsinghua, and representatives from the Taiyanggong Thermal Power Plant.

(Photo by Guo Haijun)

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