Face to face Dialogue with World Leading Physicists

Face to face Dialogue with World Leading Physicists

After the Higgs discovery, where is fundamental physics going? This is the hottest topic in high energy physics. A panel discussion on this topic was held at Tsinghua on February 23rd, with speakers including Nobel Laureates David Gross and Gerard 't Hooft, Fields Medalist and Fundamental Physics Prize winner Edward Witten, Fundamental Physics Prize winner Nima Arkani-Hamed, Fundamental Physics Prize winner Joseph Incandela, Sakurai Prize and EPS-HEP Prize winner Luciano Maiani, Director of Kavli IPMU, Japan Hitoshi Murayama, and W.K.H. Panofsky Prize winner Wang Yifang. Tsinghua University President Chen Jining attended the event, hosted by Fields Medalist Professor Shing-Tung Yau.

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