
​Incoming graduate students arrive on campus to start their Tsinghua journeys

New graduate students of Tsinghua University received a warm welcome as they arrived on campus on August 23 for registration and to start their new academic journeys.

Tsinghua student volunteers greeted them and guided them through the registration and moving-in processes. At stalls around the Student Service Center (Zijing Building C), student associations also organized various activities to make the incoming graduate students feel welcome.

The campus, adorned with colorful banners, posters, and hoarding boards, has become vibrant with the arrival of new faces.

Tsinghua will hold the opening ceremony for new graduate students on August 28 to officially welcome them. The event will be broadcast live via "Rain Classroom" in both English and Chinese.

Writer: Sangeet

Editor: Guo Lili

Photos: Huo Yuandong, Yan Yuhan, Shi Jiadong, Ali M Hadi

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