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Innovation Leadership Engineering Doctorate Program (Part-Time)

1. Instruction Language: Chinese

2. Training Objectives

The Innovation Leadership Engineering Doctorate program aims to prepare engineering leaders with a solid, broad foundation in basic theories and in-depth, specialized knowledge. Graduates will be able to solve complex engineering problems, innovate in engineering technology, and plan and organize engineering research and development. Graduates will also be capable of making innovative achievements in their respective engineering fields.

3. Degree

Doctor of Resources and Environmental Engineering

4. Duration of Study

The basic study period for this program is 3-4 years, with a maximum study period of 8 years.

5. Training Methods

Training methods include classroom teaching, professional practice, and degree thesis work.

6. Credit Requirements

To obtain the degree, students must earn at least 13 credits. These include Innovation Module (3 credits, compulsory), Professional Course Module (no less than 2 credits, compulsory), Leadership and Professional Quality Module (no less than 6 credits), and Literature Review and Topic Selection Report Module (2 credits, compulsory).