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Environmental Soil Science


课程名称:环境土壤学Environmental Soil Science




课程简介:本课程是一门专业基础课,重点介绍各种土壤过程、原理及对环境污染的作用,包括阳离子交换、有机或无机污染物的吸附、有机质分解和矿化、氮的硝化和反硝化、矿物风化、C和N循环、氧化/还原反应、金属元素的形态与迁移以及水力学过程等。课程分两部分:基础部分由段雷教授主讲,中文授课;学科前沿讲座由挪威院士Jan Mulder教授主讲,英文授课。除了课堂教学之外,课程还安排一次整个下午的北京郊区土壤实习,现场感受土壤。

This course is a specialist foundation course focusing on various soil processes, principles and contributions to environmental pollution, including cation exchange, adsorption of organic or inorganic pollutants, organic matter decomposition and mineralization, nitrification and denitrification of nitrogen, mineral weathering, C and N cycling, oxidation/reduction reactions, trace metal speciation and transport, and hydrodynamic processes. The course is divided into two parts: the basic part is taught in Chinese by Professor Duan Lei, and the frontier lectures is taught in English by Professor Jan Mulder, a Norwegian academician. In addition to the classroom lessons, the course also includes an entire afternoon of field soil excursion in the suburbs of Beijing for students to experience the soil on site.