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Environmental Remote Sensing Technology and Application


课程名称:环境遥感技术及其应用Environmental Remote Sensing Technology and Application





This course introduces remote sensing technology to the field of resources and the environment. Based on an introduction to the basic concepts and theories of remote sensing technology and its applications in the environment, the course focuses on remote sensing image processing techniques, including data pre-processing, image enhancement, image interpretation, image classification and thematic map production. This is followed by hands-on exercises to learn the use of common remote sensing processing software. Finally, the application of remote sensing technology in the environmental field (including land resources, water environment management, urban environment, ecological management, etc.) is introduced in a thematic format.

This course provides: 1) Overview of environmental remote sensing; 2) Fundamentals of environmental remote sensing; 3) Remote sensing image processing; 4) Interpretation of remote sensing images; 5) Uncertainty and scale in environmental remote sensing; 6) Applications of environmental remote sensing; 7) Typical environmental remote sensing application cases. The teaching objectives of this course are to enable students to become proficient in the basic concepts, basic theories and basic remote sensing processing and interpretation techniques of environmental remote sensing, to understand the application of remote sensing technology in environmental science and its latest progress, as well as to master the use of typical remote sensing processing software.