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Environmental and Municipal Engineering Practice and Case Studies


课程名称:环境与市政工程实践及案例分析Environmental and Municipal Engineering Practice and Case Studies





Environmental Engineering is a course of high practical relevance. This course aims to enhance the practical ability of Tsinghua postgraduate students who have already established a good theoretical foundation at the undergraduate level. It is known to all that Germany has a strong theoretical and practical foundation in environmental engineering, especially water treatment engineering among them, and RWTH Aachen University and Hannover University are famous German universities with good practical experience in water treatment engineering. The German teachers, Prof. Dohmann and Prof. Koester, both have long experience in practical engineering. This course will enhance students' understanding of modern water treatment engineering practice, and through specially designed seminar topics, students will form groups and deepen their understanding of the course content through literature research and sharing for the whole class. Students are expected to gain a deeper understanding of water treatment processes through the combination of theory and practical engineering experience.