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Environmental Engineering Ethics


课程名称:环境工程伦理学Environmental Engineering Ethics





Environmental engineering has evolved in the course of mankind's struggle against environmental pollution and to protect and improve the living environment. The essence is the conflicts between man and man, man and nature. The different demands of different interest groups will inevitably give rise to contradictions and conflicts between man and man, man and nature, which is the ethical problem in environmental engineering. Addressing ethical issues in environmental engineering is essential for environmentalists to carry out their work smoothly and efficiently, and thus to protect the environment effectively. As a result, ethical issues in environmental engineering are also receiving increasing attention in the current historical reality. This course aims to enable postgraduate students to develop awareness of environmental ethics and engineering ethical thinking, seeking to 1) provide students with a deeper knowledge and understanding of the basic theories and cases of ethics, engineering ethics and environmental ethics; 2) enable students to shake up their original perceptions when confronted with things they know well and feel unfamiliar with, inspire students to look at issues in a new way, enhance the ethical norms of the environment and engineering, and learn to apply theories to analyze various environmental and engineering problems in real life; 3) enhance students' ethical responsibilities in engineering and the profession, and develop the value of looking at the world from an ethical perspective.