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Regional Training for Asia-Pacific PACE Held

From December 2-3, the Asia-Pacific Regional Training for Partnership of Action on Computer Equipment (PACE) organized by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Basel Convention Coordinating Center for Asia and the Pacific, the School of Environment (SOE), Tsinghua University was held in Shenzhen. The regional training was funded by the Basel Convention Secretariat. Its aim was to pass on the technical guidelines related to the environmental sound management of waste computer equipment to the developing countries and other countries with economies in transition in the region, enhance the communication and learning and promote the environmental sound management level of waste computer equipment in the regions and countries.

Executive secretary of the Basel Convention Coordinating Center for Asia and the Pacific, the School of Environment, Professor Li Jinhui made an opening speech at the training and introduced the background of the technical guidelines formulated by the PACE working group and the purpose of the meeting. Government representatives in charge of e-waste from 10 Asia-Pacific countries, including China, Thailand and Malaysia and more than 30 representatives from e-waste disposal companies and research institutions attended the meeting.

The meeting is the first global conference on regional training of PACE technical guidelines. It will contribute to the environmental sound management of e-waste in the countries and the understanding of the technical guidelines.