Filming on Campus

Filming on Campus

Tsinghua University is committed to maintaining a respectful and productive environment for both its students and faculty. To ensure that media activities align with university operations and privacy standards, we have established the following guidelines for all reporting, photographing, and filming activities on campus:

· Permission Requirement: All forms of reporting, photographing, and videotaping on campus require prior permission from the University's Global Communication Office. To obtain permission, please contact us at with details of your project.

· Respecting Privacy: If your filming plan includes wide shots that might capture students or staff, you must secure explicit permission from those individuals beforehand. It is a strict requirement to respect the privacy and rights of our community members.

· Safety and Non-Disruption: When filming, it is essential to ensure that your activities do not disrupt the educational and operational activities of the university. Please cooperate with the Global Communication Office and campus security to ensure a smooth and respectful engagement with our campus environment.

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