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Home > Student Life > Qian Yi Environmental Prize

Qian Yi Environmental Prize

1. Purpose of Establishment

In 2016, at the time of Academician Qian Yi’s 80th birthday, a community of Qian’s former students initiated and established the "Qian Yi Environmental Education Fund", to honor and express gratitude for Qian Yi’s lifelong impact in the field of environmental research and education in China. ,Alongside the fund, , the "Qian Yi Environment Award" was also set up, with the aim to recognize and award outstanding students across the country who devote themselves to raising awareness for environmental protection,and who strive for sustainable development and ecological citizenship through public activities and innovative research.

2. Pre-requisites

Full-time middle school students, full-time high school students, full-time undergraduate students, and full-time postgraduate students in China. (Including officially-registered international students, with no requirement for major)

Wholesome individuals with healthy mind, good conduct, and integrity.

Passionate about causes concerning the environment and sustainability, with innovative spirit and methods. Proactively engaged in public welfare activities raising awareness for environmental protection, with considerable result; carrying out innovative research, achieving remarkableoutcome.

Students who have been recognized by the "Qian Yi Environment Award" within the past two years will not be eligible.

Students who have been recognized by the "Tang Xiaoyan Award" and/or the “Gao Tingyao Award” within the past two years will not be eligible.

3. Award Categories

Grand Prize: 1 winner, with a cash prize of 50,000 yuan;

First Prize: 5-10 winners, with a cash prize of 20,000 yuaneach;

Second Prize: 10-20 winners, with a cash prize of 10,000 yuaneach;

Youth Star Award (For high school and middle school student individuals or groups): 5-10 winners, with a cash prize of 6,000 yuan each.

4. Application

1) Personal Application

Complete the “Tsinghua University Qian Yi Environment Award” application form [CLICK HERE to download a PDF version], in which you will be asked to fill out your personal information, and past awards, publications, and experiences. Please make sure to select the correct Award Category when completing your application form. (Please attain an official seal from your institution before submission).

Photocopies of official records or certificates for awards granted, activities conducted, and conference attended mentioned in your application form (Please attain an official seal from your institution before submission)

Published or unpublished innovative work which has not been used for applying to similar awards.

2) Recommendation Letters

Applicants need to submit two recommendation letters from relevant teachers and instructors (with signatures and contact details attached for verification).


Compile all application material as a digital document and send it to qya@tsinghua.edu.cn

Deadline for submission: September 30 each year.

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