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Home > People > Faculty

Division of Water Environment

ZUO Jiane
Tel: (86)-10-62772455
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, March, 1996, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

M.S. in Environmental Engineering, March, 1996, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

B.S. in Environmental Engineering, July, 1991, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


2004-present, Professor, 

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 

1997-2004,    Associate Professor, 

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 

1995-1997,    Assistant Professor, 

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

1. Anaerobic biotechnology for organic wastewater and solid waste treatment and biogas recovery;

2. Rain water collection and pollution control & Sewer system evaluation and maintenance  

3. Evaluation for pharmaceutical wastewater treatment technologies and BAT confirmation 

1. Development of Technology and Equipment for Auto-controlling of Full-scale Biogas Project (2008BADC4B18), National key Supporting Project, 2009.5~2011.12.

2. Study and Demonstration of Integrated Technologies for Water Environment in Fast Urbanization Area (2008ZX07313-004), National Key Special Project for Water Environment, 2008.8~2010.12.

3. Study and Demonstration of Anaerobic Technology for High Solid Biowaste (2008AA062402), 863 Key project, 2008.5~2010.12.

4. Technology Evaluation and Confirmation of BAT for Pharmaceutical Wastewater, National Key Special Project for Water Environment (2009ZX07529-006), 2008.8~2010.12.

5. Study on High-rate Psychrophilic/Psychrotrophic Methanogens and Anaerobic Treatment Technology under Low-Temperature (50678091), National Natural Science Foundation project, 2007-2009.

Academic Achievements

Published Books:

Jose Esteban, Leo Heller, (eds) Water and Sanitation Services-Public Policy and Management, Earthscan, London, 2009.

Published Books:

1. Xing, W; Zuo, JE; Dai, N, et al. Reactor performance and microbial community of an EGSB reactor operated at 20 and 15 degrees C[J]. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2009, 107(3): 848-857.

2. Sun, YJ; Xing, W; Li, JP, Lu YQ, Zuo JE, et al. Microbial community in granules from a high-rate EGSB reactor  [J]. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2009, 45(6): 593-598.

3. Li, JB; Zuo, JE. Influences of Temperature and pH Value on the Corrosion Behaviors of X80 Pipeline Steel in Carbonate/Bicarbonate Buffer Solution. Chinese Journal of Chemistry. 2008, 26(10): 1799-1805.

4. Quan, ZX; Rhee, SK; Zuo, JE, et al. Diversity of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in a granular sludge anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) reactor. Environmental Microbiology. 2008, 10(11): 3130-3139. 

5. SUN Yujiao, ZUO Jiane, CHEN Lil, WANG Yong, Eubacteria and Archaea community of simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification granular sludge, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, 20: 626~631.

6. Jiane Zuo, Qian Deng, Longtao Cui, Yujiao Sun, and Xinyang Li. Electricity generation using SC-MFCs fed by wastewater, ECS Transactions, 2008, 13(21), 19-22.

7. ZUO Jiane, ZUO Yi, ZHANG Wei, CHEN Jinchun, Anaerobic bio-hydrogen production using pre-heated river sediments as seed sludge, Water Science & Technology, 2005, 52(10-11): 31-39.