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Home > People > Faculty

Division of Water Environment

WANG Kaijun
Tel: (86)-10-62789411
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

Ph.D. in Agricultural and Environmental Science, 1994, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, the Netherlands 

M.S. in Environmental Engineering, 1985, Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection, Beijing, China

B.S. in Civil Engineering, 1982, Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China


2008-present Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 

2000-2008 Chief Engineer, Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection

1994-2000 Vice-Chief Engineer, Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection 

1994-1995 DHV Consultants BV, The Netherlands

1991-1994   Ph.D Student, Wageningen Agricultural University

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Research Area:

1. Anaerobic and aerobic treatment of sewage and industrial wastewater

2. Sewage sludge treatment and disposal technology

3. Environmental technical evaluation and management system

Research Projects:

1. Framework and evaluation of water pollution control technology management system, Special Grand National Science-technology Project, 2009-01~2011-12

2. Anaerobic digestion of organic solid waste and the corresponding high-value use of by-products, development of equipment, and the demonstration. National 863 Key Technologies R&D program, 2008-7~2011-12

3. Electromechanical integration equipment, control technology and demonstration of large-scale biogas projects. National Science and Technology Support Program, 2008-10~2012-12.

4. Key technology, equipment development and demonstration of high concentration solid waste. National 863 Key Technologies R&D program, 2008-06~2011-12.

5. Treatment technology of antibiotics and heavy metals in intensive rearing of livestock wastewater. National 863 Key Technologies R&D program, 2007-12~2010-12. 

6. Key technology and application of emergency disposal measure for preventing large scale outbreak of Enteromorpha prolifra. National Science and Technology Support Program, 2008-7~2009-6 

7. Engineering regulations of anaerobic biological treatment of sewage water-expanded granular sludge bed reactor (EGSB). Environment Protection Ministry Program, 2008-10~2009-10. 

8. Engineering regulations of anaerobic biological treatment of sewage water-upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor (UASB). Environment Protection Ministry Program, 2008-10~2009-10. 

9. Emission discharge standard of municipal sewage treatment plant. 2008-07~2009-07.

Academic Achievements

1. Yan, Z., Xiong, Y., Wang, K. J., Zhang, G. C., 2009. Copper removal by induced crystallization from copper-containing wastewater. CIESC Journal, 60(10), 193-198.

2. Wang, K. J., Che, S. P., Dong, N., Yan, Z., 2008. Experimental Study on Treatment of GreyWater by Mini-integrated Vertical-flow Constructed Wetland. China water &wastewater, 24(17), 40-43.

3. Wang, K. J., Yan, Z., 2008. Methodology of the Anaerobic Reactor SD Model's Construction. Environment Science, 29(9), 2507-2512.

4. Wang, K. J., He, Y. L., Jiang, H., Yan, Z., 2008. Study of control and expand model for suspended granular sludge bed reactor. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2(3), 289-293.

5. Wang, K. J., Chang, L. C., Gan, H. N., 2007. Research and application of anaerobic granular sludge suspended bed reactor. Water &Wastewater Engineering, 33(2), 58-62.

6. Wang, K. J., Hu, C., 2005. Study on Systematic Analysis Applied to Anaerobic Digestion System. China Biogas, 23(2), 15-19.