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Division of Water Supply and Drainage

WANG Xiaomao
Associate Professor
Tel: +86-10-6278-1386
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

1999.9 - 2004.7  Tsinghua University, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering (Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering)

1994.9 - 1999.7  Tsinghua University, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering (B.S. in Environmental Engineering)


2011.11 - present  Associate Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2010.11 - 2011.11 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

2009.8 - 2010.11   Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

2006.10 - 2009.8   Research Associate, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales

2004.8 - 2006.9     Research Associate/Senior Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Membrane filtration and separation

Granular media filtration

Emerging contaminant removal

Research Status

Granted Projects

1. Assessment and standardization of key operating and managing technologies for municipal water supply systems, Grant No. 2017ZX07501002 by Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment. 2017-2020, Co-I.

2. Developing quantitative modeling tools for design and performance assessment of integrated water management systems. Grant No. 51761125013 by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2018-2021, Co-I.

3. Fabrication and optimization of thin-film nanocomposite membranes based on partitioning and mass transport mechanisms of trace organic compounds during nanofiltration. Grant No. 51678331 by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2017-2020, PI.

4. Interactions of trace organic compounds with active layer of high-pressure membranes: mechanisms and effect on mass transfer. Grant No. 15Y01ESPCT by the State Joint Key Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, 2015-2017, PI.

5. An innovative approach for the preparation of thin-film nanocomposite (TFN) membranes and optimization of the anti-biofouling property. Grant No. 51278268 by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2013-2016, PI.

6. Retention behavior to pharmaceuticals and personal care products in forward osmosis and the effect of membrane fouling. Grant No. 8132043 by Beijing Natural Science Foundation (BNSF). 2013-2015, PI.

7. Research of the operational characteristics and process design technologies for drinking water supply systems. Grant No. 2012ZX07408001 by Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment. 2012-2016, Co-I.

8. Research and demonstration of water supply security technologies for Beijing and Tianjin water intake area of South to North Water Diversion Project. Grant No. 2012ZX07404002 by Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment. 2012-2016, Co-I.

Academic Achievements

1. Zhao YY, Wang XM*, Yang HW, Xie YFF, Effects of organic fouling and cleaning on the retention of pharmaceutically active compounds by ceramic nanofiltration membranes, Journal of Membrane Science 563: 734–742, 2018.

2. Wang Z, Xiao K, Wang XM*, Role of coexistence of negative and positive membrane surface charges in electrostatic effect for salt rejection by nanofiltration, Desalination 444: 75–83, 2018.

3. Liu YL, Wei W, Wang XM*, Yang HW, Xie YFF, Relating the rejections of oligomeric ethylene glycols and saccharides by nanofiltration: Implication for membrane pore size determination, Separation and Purification Technology 205: 151–158, 2018.

4. Wei CJ, Xie YF, Wang XM*, Li XY, Calcium hydroxide coating on highly reactive nanoscale zero-valent iron for in situ remediation application, Chemosphere 207: 715–724, 2018.

5. Liu YL, Wang XM*, Yang HW, Xie YFF, Quantifying the influence of solute-membrane interactions on adsorption and rejection of pharmaceuticals by NF/RO membranes, Journal of Membrane Science 551: 37–46, 2018.

6. Liu YL, Wang XM*, Yang HW, Xie YFF, Adsorption of pharmaceuticals onto isolated polyamide active layer of NF/RO membranes, Chemosphere 200: 36–47, 2018.

7. Chen XD, Wang Z, Liu DY, Xiao K, Guan J, Xie YF, Wang XM*, Waite TD, Role of adsorption in combined membrane fouling by biopolymers coexisting with inorganic particles, Chemosphere 191: 226–234, 2018.

8. Li RH, Wang XM, Li XY, A membrane bioreactor with iron dosing and acidogenic co-fermentation for enhanced phosphorus removal and recovery in wastewater treatment, Water Research 129: 402–412, 2018.

9. Wei CJ, Wang XM, Li XY*, Core-shell structured mZVI/Ca(OH)2 particle: Morphology, aggregation and corrosion, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 510: 199–206, 2018.

10. Zhao YY, Kong FX, Wang Z, Yang HW, Wang XM*, Xie YFF, Waite TD, Role of membrane and compound properties in affecting the rejection of pharmaceuticals by different RO/NF membranes, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 11: paper no. 20, 2017.

11. Liu YL, Kong FX, Wang XM*, Yang HW, Xie YFF, Thin-film composite forward osmosis membrane in rejecting trace organic compounds: Impact of molecular charge, Desalination and Water Treatment 66: 23–35, 2017.

12. Tang S, Wang XM, Liu ST, Yang HW*, Xie YFF, Yang XY, Mechanism and kinetics of halogenated compound removal by metallic iron: Transport in solution, diffusion and reduction within corrosion films, Chemosphere 178: 119–128, 2017.

13. Kong FX, Yang HW, Wang XM*, Xie YFF, Assessment of the hindered transport model in predicting the rejection of trace organic compounds by nanofiltration, Journal of Membrane Science 498: 57–66, 2016.

14. Dong LX, Huang XC, Wang Z, Yang Z, Wang XM*, Tang CY, A thin-film nanocomposite nanofiltration membrane prepared on a support with in situ embedded zeolite nanoparticles, Separation and Purification Technology, 166: 230-239, 2016.

15. Liu ST, Yang HW, Liu WJ, Zhao Y, Wang XM*, Xie YF, Evaluation of backwash strategies on biologically active carbon filters by using chloroacetic acids as indicator chemicals, Process Biochemistry, 51 (7): 886-894, 2016.

16. Zhao Y, Yang HW, Liu ST, Tang S, Wang XM*, Xie YFF, Effects of metal ions on disinfection byproduct formation during chlorination of natural organic matter and surrogates, Chemosphere 144: 1074–1082, 2016.

17. Ao L, Liu WJ*, Zhao L, Wang XM, Membrane fouling in ultrafiltration of natural water after pretreatment to different extents, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 43: 234-243, 2016.

18. Liu DY, Wang XM, Xie YF, Tang HL*, Effect of capacitive deionization on disinfection by-product precursors, Science of the Total Environment 568: 19-25, 2016.

19. Xiao K, Sun JY, Shen YX, Liang S, Liang P, Wang XM*, Huang X*, Fluorescence properties of dissolved organic matter as a function of hydrophobicity and molecular weight: case studies from two membrane bioreactors and an oxidation ditch, RSC Advances 6: 24050–24059, 2016.

20. Chen XD, Yang HW, Liu WJ, Wang XM*, Xie YF. Filterability and structure of the fouling layers of biopolymer coexisting with ferric iron in ultrafiltration membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 495: 81–90, 2015.

21. Wang XM*, Li B, Zhang T, Li XY. Performance of nanofiltration membrane in rejecting trace organic compounds: Experiment and model prediction. Desalination 370: 7–16, 2015.

22. Zhang XL, Yang HW, Wang XM*, Karanfil T, Xie YF. Trihalomethane hydrolysis in drinking water at elevated temperatures. Water Research, 78: 18–27, 2015.

23. Zhang XL, Yang HW, Wang XF, Zhao Y, Wang XM*, Xie YF. Concentration levels of disinfection by-products in 14 swimming pools of China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 9: 995-1003, 2015.

24. Dong LX, Yang HW, Liu ST, Wang XM*, Xie YF. Fabrication and anti-biofouling properties of alumina and zeolite nanoparticle embedded ultrafiltration membranes. Desalination, 365: 70–78, 2015.

25. Yang HW, Liu WJ, Wang XM*, Sun LL, Xie YF. Bromate control by dosing hydrogen peroxide and ammonia during ozonation of the Yellow river water. Ozone-Science & Engineering, 37 (2): 127-133, 2015.

26. Tang S, Wang XM, Mao YQ, Zhao Y, Yang HW*, Xie YF. Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on iron efficiency: Removal of three chloroacetic acids. Water research, 73: 342–352, 2015.

27. Wang XM, Mao YQ, Tang S, Yang HW*, Xie YFF. Disinfection byproducts in drinking water and regulatory compliance: A critical review. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 9 (1): 3–15, 2015.

28. Wang XM, Yang HW, Li ZY*, Yang SX, Xie YF. Pilot study for the treatment of sodium and fluoride-contaminated groundwater by using high-pressure membrane systems. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 9 (1): 155-163, 2015.

29. Kong FX, Yang HW, Wu YQ, Wang XM*, Xie YF. Rejection of pharmaceuticals during forward osmosis and prediction by using the solution–diffusion model. Journal of Membrane Science, 476: 410–420, 2015.

30. Mao YQ, Wang XM, Yang HW*, Wang HY, Xie YF. Effects of ozonation on disinfection byproduct formation and speciation during subsequent chlorination. Chemosphere, 117: 515-520, 2014.

31. Xiao K, Shen YX, Liang S, Liang P, Wang XM*, Huang X*. A systematic analysis of fouling evolution and irreversibility behaviors of MBR supernatant hydrophilic/hydrophobic fractions during microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science, 467: 206-216, 2014.

32. Wang XM, Leal GMI, Zhang XL, Yang HW, Xie YF*. Haloacetic acids in swimming pool and spa water in the United States and China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 8(6): 820–824, 2014.

33. Kong FX, Yang HW, Wang XM*, Xie YF. Rejection of nine haloacetic acids and coupled reverse draw solute permeation in forward osmosis. Desalination, 341: 1–9, 2014.

34. Chang FF, Liu WJ*, Wang XM. Comparison of polyamide nanofiltration and low-pressure reverse osmosis membranes on As(III) rejection under various operational conditions. Desalination, 334: 10-16, 2014.

35. Wang XM, Li XY*. Modeling of the initial deposition of individual particles during the cross-flow membrane filtration. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 440: 91-100, 2014.

36. Sun FY, Wang XM, Li XY*. An innovative membrane bioreactor (MBR) system for simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Process Biochemistry, 48: 1749-1756, 2013.

37. Tang S, Wang XM, Yang HW*, Xie YF. Haloacetic acid removal by sequential zero-valent iron reduction and biologically active carbon degradation. Chemosphere, 90: 1563-1567, 2013.

38. Zhang XL, Yang HW, Wang XM*, Fu J, Xie YF. Formation of disinfection by-products: Effect of temperature and kinetic modeling. Chemosphere, 90: 634-639, 2013.

39. Wang XM*, Li XY. A unified model for quantification of concentration polarization (CP) of particles during cross-flow membrane filtration. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 407: 99-107, 2012.

40. Wang XM, Li XY, Shih K*. Spontaneous formation of nano-fibrillar boehmite and the enhancement effect of polyethylene glycol. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94: 4435-4443, 2011.

41. Wang XM, Sun FY, Li XY*. Investigation of the role of biopolymer clusters in MBR membrane fouling using flash freezing and environmental scanning electron microscopy. Chemosphere, 85: 1154-1159, 2011.

42. Wang XM*, Li XY, Waite TD. Quantification of solid pressure in the concentration polarization (CP) layer of colloidal particles and its impact on ultrafiltration. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 358: 290-300, 2011.

43. Xiao K, Wang XM, Huang X*, Waite TD, Wen XH. Combined effect of membrane and foulant hydrophobicity and surface charge on adsorptive fouling during microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science, 373: 140-151, 2011.

44. Sun FY, Wang XM, Li XY*. Change in the fouling propensity of sludge in membrane bioreactors (MBR) in relation to the accumulation of biopolymer clusters. Bioresource Technology, 102: 4718-4725, 2011.

45. Wang XM, Li XY, Shih K*. In situ embedment and growth of anhydrous and hydrated aluminum oxide particles on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 368, 134-143, 2011.

46. Yang NN, Wen XH*, Waite TD, Wang XM, Huang X. Natural organic matter fouling of microfiltration membranes: Prediction of constant flux behavior from constant pressure materials properties determination. Journal of Membrane Science, 366, 192-202, 2011.

47. Sun FY, Wang XM, Li XY*. Effect of biopolymer clusters on the fouling property of sludge from a membrane bioreactor (MBR) and its control by ozonation. Process Biochemistry, 46: 162-167, 2011.

48. Wang XM, Waite TD*. Iron speciation and iron species transformation in activated sludge membrane bioreactors. Water Research, 44: 3511-3521, 2010.

49. Chen W, Sun FY, Wang XM, Li XY*. A membrane bioreactor for an innovative biological nitrogen removal process. Water Science and Technology, 61: 671-676, 2010.

50. Wang XM, Waite TD*. Role of gelling soluble and colloidal microbial products in membrane fouling. Environmental Science & Technology, 43: 9341-9347, 2009.

51. Xiao K, Wang XM, Huang X*, Waite TD, Wen XH. Analysis of polysaccharide, protein and humic acid retention by microfiltration membranes using Thomas’ dynamic adsorption model. Journal of Membrane Science, 342: 22-34, 2009.

52. Wang XM, Waite TD*. Retention of soluble microbial products in submerged membrane bioreactors. Desalination and Water Treatment-Science and Engineering, 6: 131-137, 2009.

53. Sun FY, Wang XM, Li XY*. Visualisation and characterisation of biopolymer clusters in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Journal of Membrane Science, 325: 691-697, 2008.

54. Wang XM, Waite TD*. Impact of gel layer formation on colloid retention in membrane filtration processes. Journal of Membrane Science, 325: 486-494, 2008.

55. Wang XM, Waite TD*. Gel layer formation and hollow fiber membrane filterability of polysaccharide dispersions. Journal of Membrane Science, 322: 204-213, 2008.

56. Kovalsky P*, Wang XM, Bushell G, Waite TD. Application of local material properties to prediction of constant flux filtration behaviour of compressible matter. Journal of Membrane Science, 318: 191-200, 2008.

57. Wang XM, Chang S, Kovalsky P, Waite TD*. Multiphase flow models in quantifying constant pressure dead-end filtration and subsequent cake compression - 1. Dilute slurry filtration. Journal of Membrane Science, 308: 35-43, 2008.

58. Wang XM, Kovalsky P, Waite TD*. Multiphase flow models in quantifying constant pressure dead-end filtration and subsequent cake compression - 2. Concentrated slurry filtration and cake compression. Journal of Membrane Science, 308: 44-53, 2008.

59. Wang XM and Li XY*. Accumulation of biopolymer clusters in a submerged membrane bioreactor and its effect on membrane fouling. Water Research, 42: 855-862, 2008.

60. Huang X*, Wang XM. Toxicity change patterns and its mechanism during the degradation of nitrogen-heterocyclic compounds by O3/UV. Chemosphere, 69: 747-754, 2007.

61. Wang XM, Li XY*, Huang X. Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR): characterisation of the sludge cake and its high filtration resistance. Separation and Purification Technology, 52: 439-445, 2007.

62. Li XY*, Wang XM. Modelling of membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Journal of Membrane Science, 278: 151-161, 2006.

63. Wang XM, Huang X*, Zuo CY, Hu HY. Kinetics of quinoline degradation by O3/UV in aqueous phase. Chemosphere, 55: 733-741, 2004.

64. Meng YB, Huang X*, Wu YX, Wang XM, Qian Y. Kinetic study and modeling on photocatalytic degradation of para-chlorobenzoate at different light intensities. Environmental Pollution, 117: 307-313, 2002.