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Home > People > Faculty

Division of Soil and Groundwater Environment

LIU Xiang
Tel: +86-10-62783085
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Jul.1992, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China

M.S. in Environmental Engineering, Jul. 1989, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China

B.S. Environmental Engineering, July 1987, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China


2003-present, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 

2000-2003, Lecturer, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Research Area:

1. Contaminated soil and groundwater remediation and restoration

2. Integrated water resources management

3. Wastewater reclamation and reuse

Research Projects:

1. Risk Assessment and Remediation of the wastewater Reservoir in Tianjin Ecologic-city. Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST, China), 2007~2008

2. Study on the Risk Assessment and Control technology for Reclaimed Water Reusing.  National 863 Program Project, Sponsored by MOST (China), 2008-2011

3. Demonstration Study on Water Environment Improvement and Pollution Control in Urban Area. National Water key Program Project, Sponsored by Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP, China), 2008-2010

4. Water Natural Cycle Process and Water Resources Sustainable Management in Haihe Watershed. National 973 Program Project, Sponsored by MOST (China), 2006-2010.

Academic Achievements

1. Liu W, Liu X, Xu K, Wang C. The Impact of the Petrochemical Wastewater Stabilization Pond System on Groundwater. Journal of Agro- Environment Science, 2009, 28(7): 1478-1483.

2. Xu K, Wang C, Liu W, Liu X. Application of Stabilization Pond to Treatment of Effluent of Petrochemical Wastewater. China Water & Wastewater, 2009, 25(3): 32-36.

3. Xu K, Wang C, Liu W, Liu X, Wang Y. Pilot Scale Study on the Growth of the Algae in Stabilization Ponds. Journal of Agro- Environment Science, 2009, 28(7): 1473-1477.

4. Dou J, Liu X, Hu Z. Anaerobic BTEX Degradation in Soil with Mixed Consortia under Nitrate Reducing Conditions. Journal of Environmental Science, 2008, 20(5): 585-592.

5. Deng D, Liu X. Study on Screening the Pure Bacteria for BTEX Anaerobic Bio- degradation and the Factors Influencing BTEX Biodegradation Efficiency. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 2008, 27(5): 1991-1996.

6. Dou J, Luo G, Liu X. Kinetic Analysis of Anaerobic Phosphorus Release During Biological Phosphorus Removal Process. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, 2007, 1(2): 233-239.

7. Lu J, Liu X. Application of Two Stages BAF in Domestic Wastewater Reuse. Applied Energy Technology, 2007, 19(6): 39-42.

8. Hu Z, Dou J, Liu X, Zheng X, Deng D. Anaerobic Biodegradation of Benzene Series Compounds by Mixed Cultures Based on Optional Electronic Acceptors. Journal of Environmental Science, 2007, 19(9): 1049-1054.