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Division of Environmental Management and Policy

WEN Zongguo
Tel: (86)-10-62792921
Location: Room 1023, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Education background

2000.09-2005.07  Ph.D. in Environ. Sci.& Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 

1998.09-2000.07  B.S. in Environ Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


2017.07-present   Tenured Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2016.01-2017.07  Tenured Associate Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2011.09-2016.01  Associate Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2009.12-2011.09  Associate Professor, Depart. of Environ. Sci.& Eng., Tsinghua University

2007.01-2009.11  Assistant Researcher, Depart. of Environ. Sci.& Eng., Tsinghua University

2005.07-2006.12  Post-Doctor, Depart. of Environ. Sci.& Eng., Tsinghua University


Undergraduate students' courses:

1. Environmental Management, 2013-present

2. Environmental Planning, 2015-present

3. Carbon neutrality policy analysis,2023 upcoming

4. Introduction to Environmental Science and Engineering, 2022-present

Professional Service

2022-present    Executive director, Intelligent Industry Data Analysis and Optimization Committee, China Operations Research Society

2020-present    3rd Committee member, National Technical Committee on Environmental Management of Standardization Administration

2020-2024      Vice chairman of ecological environment System Engineering Professional Committee, Chinese Society of Systems Engineering

2019-2022      Academic Dean, School of Environment and Resources, Southwest University of Science and Technology

2018-present     Vice President, Energy Economy and Management Research Branch, Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics, Beijing, China

2017-present    Member, National Office for Science & Technology Awards, Beijing, China

2017-present    Vice Director, Circular Economy Branch, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China

2016-present    Vice Director, Environmental Geoscience Branch, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China

2015-present    Vice chairman, Environmental Management Professional Committee, Society of Management Sciences of China, Beijing, China

Areas of Research Interests

1. Municipal Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling

2. Systemic Engineering of Industrial Carbon Emission

3. Environmental Big Data and Intelligent Big Model

Research Status


1. Research on the continuous promotion strategy of regional "zero-waste city" construction, Strategic research and consulting project of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2023-2024

2. Study on multi-source solid waste metabolism mechanism and optimization of pollution and carbon reduction pathway in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, National Natural Science Foundation of China International (regional) cooperation and exchange project, 2023-2025

3. Carbon peak, carbon neutral path optimization and application in key industries, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022-2026

4. Integrated demonstration of multi-source organic solid waste intensive collaborative disposal, National Key Research and Development Program, 2020-2024

5. Research on technical specification of typical industrial solid waste collaborative treatment and park collaborative treatment mode, National Key Research and Development Program, 2020-2024

6. Environmental and ecological Management, National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2019-2023


1. Evaluation of the Screening list of "Energy/pollutant intensive or Resource-based" products, Ministry of Finance, 2021

2. Potential analysis and strategic research of industrial energy conservation in the 14th Five-Year Plan, Energy Conservation Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 2020

3. Major Issues and Strategic research of Industrial Energy conservation in the 14th Five-year Plan, Department of Energy Conservation, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 2019

4. Research on coordinated Promotion Strategy and Path of trans-regional "zero-waste city" Construction, Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2020

5. Special Strategic Study on Environment of National Medium and Long Term Science and Technology Development Plan (2021-2035), Ministry of Science and Technology, 2019-2020

6. Scientific and technological Innovation supporting the battle against environmental pollution, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2019

7. Zhangjiagang Solid waste park collaborative disposal technology development and integration demonstration, National Key Research and development program, 2018 -2022

8.Simulation of Nitrogen Cross-media Metabolism in Municipal Solid Waste Treatment System and Study on the Optimization of Technology Policy, National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program), 2018-2021

9. Urban agglomeration metabolic modeling and ecological risk forecast warning technology, Key Research and Development Plan, 2016-2021

10. Steel - chemical - building materials combined process pollutants collaborative optimization control, Key Research and Development Plan, 2016-2020

11. Mechanism and policy for Energy Saving and Emission reduction of China’s industrial sectors, National Natural Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars of China, Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2016-2018

12. Low carbon technology achievements assessment and transformation strategy of national main science and technology plans, China clean development mechanism (CDM) Grant Projects, 2016-2018

Honors And Awards

Selected Talents Program or honors:

1. The Forth Batch of The Xplorer Prize, 2022

2. The First Batch of Qingshan Science and Technology Award, 2022

3. National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars,  2018

4. The Gold Medal for Young Scholars of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, 2018

5. The Second Batch of National Youth Talent of Professional Environmental Protection Technology, 2016

6. Natural Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars of China, 2015

7. New Scholars (Top 10), Annual Tsinghua University Scholar Award, 2015

8. Chinese Young and Middle-aged Talented Scholars of Scientific and Technical Innovation, 2015

9. “Mao Yisheng” Prize for Excellent Young Scientists,  2014

10. Advanced Individual in Environmental Protection Science & Technology of the 11th Five-Year Plan, 2012

11. Youth Award in Environmental Science & Technology in the Chinese Society for Environmental Science, 2008

12. Outstanding Post-Doctoral Fellow Award (Top 10) in Tsinghua University, 2008

13. Outstanding Doctoral Award in Tsinghua University, 2005

14. Outstanding Graduate Award (Top 10) in Tsinghua University, 2004

Scientific and technological Achievements Awards:

1. Synergies between industrial pollutants and carbon reduction, First prize in Natural Science Award, Ministry of Education, 2022

2. Chengdu Changan Vein Industrial Park Construction Plan (2017-2035), The first prize of Sichuan Province Excellent Engineering consulting achievements, 2021

3. Key technology and operational application of high resolution detection and precise prevention and control of environmental risk sources in drinking water sources, Second prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award, 2021

4. Key technologies and applications of collaborative utilization of multi-source solid waste cement kilns at county level, First prize of Science and Technology Progress Award, Ministry of Education, 2020

5. Innovation of Metabolic mechanism and Cyclic Development mode of urban Resources, The 7th Chinese Management Science Association Management Science Award (Academic category), 2020

6. Research on development and application of generic technologies for urban circular economy development, Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 2016

7. Key technologies of typical municipal solid waste recycling, First prize of Science and Technology Award of China Circular Economy Association, 2015

8. Generic Technology development and application research of urban Circular economy development, the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award, Ministry of Education, 2014

9. R&D and application of key technologies and equipment for efficient resource recycling, First prize of Science and Technology Award of China Association for Comprehensive Utilization of Resources, 2012

Academic Achievements


1. Zongguo Wen et al. Green production and consumption: mechanisms, methods and practices. Beijing: China Environmental Publishing Group. February 2023

2. Zongguo Wen, Yihan Wang et al. Accurate management and systematic decision-making of industrial energy conservation and emission reduction.  Beijing: Science Press. March 2022

3. Zongguo Wen, Yi Wang, Xuejun Wang et al. We will explore and demonstrate ecological progress in the new era. Beijing: Science Press. June 2021

4. Yi Qian, Zongguo Wen et al. Summary of ecological civilization construction in the new era. Beijing: Science Press. May 2021

5. Zongguo Wen et al., Internet of Things and ecological environment. Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry. June 2021

6. Zongguo Wen et al.. Zero-Waste cities: Theory, Planning and Practice. Beijing: Science Press. August 2020

7. Yong Chen, Taoli Huhe, Jinhui Li, Tingzhou Lei, Zongguo Wen. Research on the Construction and Development strategy of ecological civilization in central China. Beijing: Science Press. March 2020

8. Zongguo Wen, Feng Jiao, Zhaojia Wang, Yiying Jin, Haikui Tian. The key technology of cement kiln coordinated disposal of domestic waste and the integrated application of urban and rural planning. Beijing: China Environmental Publishing Group. October 2019

9. Zongguo Wen et al., A New Era of Internet+ in Resource Recycle & Utilization, Beijing: Science Press, 2018.

10. Zongguo Wen et al., Recycling transformation of Industrial Parks: Theory, Method and Application, Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 2018.

11. Zongguo Wen et al., Management of Industrial Energy Saving and Emission Reduction: Potential Assessment Model, Technical Path Analysis and Green Factory Design, Beijing: Science Press, 2018.

12. Zongguo Wen et al., Technology Assessment Methods and Its Application for Energy Conservation and Pollution Reduction of Key Industries, Beijing: Science Press, 2018.

13. Zongguo Wen et al., Industrial Emission Reduction and Green Development, Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 2018.

14. Zongguo Wen, Management & Policy Assessment of Industrial Pollution Control Technology, Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 2016.

15. Jinhui Li, Zongguo Wen, Qingbin Song, Jinfeng Zhang, Yanqing Chang, Urban mining: Practices and Prospects in Exploitation & Utilization

16. Zongguo Wen et al., Industrial environmental technology choice: Theory, Methodology and Application. Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 2015.

17. Jingu Wang & Zongguo Wen, Circular Economy, Energy Saving and Reduction of Carbon Emission. Taiwan: China Technical Consultants Inc. Foundation, 2011.

18. Zongguo Wen, Contemporary China’s Environmental Policy: Emerging, Feature and Trend, Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 2010.

19. Wen Zongguo & and Yang Yan, From GDP to GPI: Quantifying 35 Years of Economic Development in China. Genuine Progress Indicator case studies from selected ASEAN countries, International Society for Ecological Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008.

20. Zhang Kunmin, Wen Zongguo, Du Bin, et al., Multiple-Indicators Approach for Monitoring Urban Sustainable Development. Ecology and Management of Urban Forests (Chapter 4), Margaret M. Carreiro, Yong-Chang Song, Jianguo Wu (Editors), Springer Publishing House, 2007

21. Zhang Kunmin, Wen Zongguo, Du Bin, Song Guojun, Evaluation Index system of Eco-City, Beijing: Chemical industry press, 2003

Municipal solid waste disposal and recycling

1. Zongguo Wen*, Yiling Xie, Muhan Chen, Christian Doh Dinga. China’s plastic import ban increases prospects of environmental impact mitigation of plastic waste trade flow worldwide. Nature Communication, 2021, 12:425.

2. Jason C.K. Lee, Zongguo Wen*. Pathways for greening rare earths supply in China. Nature Sustainability, Oct. 2018,1: 598-605. Doi:10.1038/s41893-018-0154-5.

3. Fan Fei, Zongguo Wen*, Shang Li. Urban Biowaste Integrated Management Based on Synergy Mechanism and Multi-Objective Optimization: A case study in Suzhou, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 823:153691. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153691

4. Yuting Zhang, Zongguo Wen*, Mapping the environmental impacts and policy effectiveness of takeaway. Science of the Total Environment, 808 (2022) 152023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152023

5. Vorada Kosajan, Zongguo Wen*, Fan Fei, Christian Doh Dinga, Zhaojia Wang, Pengfei Liu, Comprehensive Assessment of Cement Kiln Co-processing under MSW Sustainable Management Requirements. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2021, 174 : 105816. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105816

Systemic engineering of Industrial Carbon Emission

1. Christian Doh Dinga, Zongguo Wen*. Many-objective optimization of energy conservation and emission reduction in China's cement industry. Applied Energy, 2021, 117714.

2. Yihan Wang, Zongguo Wen*, Jianguo Yao, and Christian Doh Dinga. Multi-Objective Optimization of Synergic Energy Conservation and CO2 Emission Reduction in China's Iron and Steel Industry under Uncertainty. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 110128.

3. Qilu Tan, Zongguo Wen*, Jining Chen. Goal and technology path of CO2 mitigation in China's cement industry: from the perspective of co-benefit. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 114: 299-313. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.06.148

4. Zongguo Wen*, Chang Xu, Xueying Zhang. Integrated Control of Emission Reductions, Energy-Saving, and Cost-Benefit Using a Multi-Objective Optimization Technique in the Pulp and Paper Industry. Environmental Science and Technology, 2015, 49(6): 3636-3643. doi:10.1021/es504740h

5. Zongguo Wen*, Fanxin Meng, Min Chen. Estimates of the potential for energy conservation and CO2emissions mitigation based on Asian-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM): The case of the iron and steel industry in China. J Clean Prod 2014;65:120–30. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.09.008.

Environmental big data and intelligent big model

1. Yihan Wang, Zongguo Wen*, XinCao, Christian DohDinga. Is information and communications technology effective for industrial energy conservation and emission reduction? Evidence from three energy-intensive industries in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022,160: 112344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112344.

2. Yihan Wang, Zongguo Wen*, Xin Cao, Zhaofang Zheng, Jinjing Xu. Environmental efficiency evaluation of China's iron and steel industry: a process-level data envelopment analysis, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 707: 135903. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135903

3. Zongguo Wen*, Shuhan Hu, Djavan De Clercq, M. Bruce Beck, Hua Zhang, Huanan Zhang, Fan Fei, Jianguo Liu. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food waste management. Waste Management, 2018, 73: 26-38.

4. Djavan De Clercq, Zongguo Wen*, Fan Fei. Determinants of efficiency in anaerobic bio-waste co-digestion facilities: a data envelopment analysis and gradient boosting approach. Applied Energy, 2019, 253:113570. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113570

5. Djavan De Clercq, Zongguo Wen*, Qingbin Song. Innovation hotspots in food waste treatment, biogas, and anaerobic digestion technology: a natural language processing approach. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 673: 402-413.


Municipal Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling  

1. Multi-form element cross-media metabolism simulation analysis software in municipal multi-source solid waste collaborative disposal park (2023SR464522)

2. resource efficiency, pollution reduction and carbon reduction operation optimization and intelligent regulation software in municipal multi-source solid waste collaborative disposal park (2023SR046521)

3. Symbiotic metabolism mechanism and network feature analysis software of solid waste Cooperative Disposal Park (2021SR0370511)

4. Benefit and efficiency assessment software of Solid Waste Cooperative Disposal Park (2021SR0370494)

5. Urban agglomeration metabolic Simulation software (2021SR1209708)

Systemic Engineering of Industrial Carbon Emission

1. Multi-industry Collaborative Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Potential Assessment System (2020SR0571582)

2. Industry Total Pollutant Control Target Assessment and Collaborative Emission Reduction Path Analysis System 1.0(2016SR082744)

3. Benchmarking management and Plant Green Evaluation System for Energy Conservation in Steel Industry (2016SR330565)

4. Virtual Ecological Factory Emission Reduction Potential Analysis and Technology Optimization System V1.0(2016SR087632)

5. Technology Simulation and Energy Saving Optimization Evaluation System for Industrial Enterprises (2016SR331339)

Environmental Big Data and Intelligent Big Model  

1. Green and Energy-saving Technology Big data system for typical Industries (2016SR331341)

2. Online Monitoring System for Collection, Transportation and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (2018SR1055484)

3. Online Energy Monitoring and Management Analysis Platform for Industrial Parks (2016SR331345)

4. Regional energy consumption online monitoring and Management System V1.0 (2013SR049646)

5. Enterprise Energy Consumption Acquisition and Statistics System (2013SR124509)