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Urban Water and Wastewater Pipeline Works


课程名称:城市给水排水管道工程及设计Urban Water and Wastewater Pipeline Works






The urban water supply and wastewater pipeline project is an important infrastructure that ensures the normal living and production of a city. This course focuses on the basic principles and techniques of urban water supply and wastewater pipeline planning, design and operation management. It mainly includes: the basic composition of the urban water supply pipeline system, sewage, rainwater and combined wastewater pipeline system, the design of the system scheme, the principle and steps of pipeline planning and design, the choice of the pipeline material, the basic knowledge and technology of pipeline synthesis and operational guidance. Through the study of this course, students will be familiar with the design, construction and acceptance and master the basic principles, methods of water supply and drainage pipeline project planning and design. It will cultivate students’ basic abilities and skills needed for their future development.