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Soil and Groundwater Contamination Control Engineering


课程名称:土壤与地下水污染防治工程 Soil and Groundwater Contamination Control Engineering





近年来,土壤与地下水的污染问题日益严重,世界各国政府已逐步加大重视程度。土壤地下水污染具有隐蔽性特征,对人类的潜在健康威胁极大。如何正确认识土壤地下水污染问题,如何采取有效措施控制土壤地下水污染、进而实现污染介质的修复是本课程的教学重点。本课程将系统地介绍土壤地下水环境功能、环境背景值和环境容量、土壤地下水环境污染概况、地球关键带中污染物的物理、化学及生物过程,让学生意识到土壤地下水污染问题的严峻性和保护土壤地下水生态环境的重要性。在此基础上,本课程对土壤地下水污染防治与修复标准、污染修复技术理论与工程实践等内容进行讲述, 使学生除掌握基本的专业课程内容外,学会多维度思考问题,引导学生由认识到专业思辨的角度转变;其次,要将专业知识与实际应用相结合,为今后的专业研究奠定坚实的基础。

In recent years, due to severe status of pollution and unobservable nature, soil and groundwater contamination have posed a great threat to human health, raising increasing concern of governments around the world. How to take effective measures to control soil and groundwater pollution, and remediate contaminated media wisely is the focus of the course. This course will introduce environmental functions, environmental background, environmental capacity, physical, chemical and biological processes of soil and groundwater pollution, in order to make students be aware of the serious and urgent problems of soil and groundwater pollution and realize the importance of their protection. On the basis of these backgrounds, the course will also teach students soil and groundwater remediation standards and methods. Through the study of the course, students can master the basic professional course and think critically from different perspectives. Via combining professional knowledge with practical application, the knowledge they learnt may become a treasure for their future research.