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Building Water and Wastewater Engineering Design


课程名称:建筑给水排水工程与设计 Building Water and Wastewater Engineering Design





本课程由三部分内容组成: 1.建筑预备知识:土建概论(基本土建知识和建材及施工了解),建筑给排水的系统组成,以及泵与泵房设计的相关知识与设计方法; 2.建筑给水、消防、热水、排水、中水、景观等工程的基本理论和知识; 3.建筑给水排水工程的设计实践(包括完成一个完整的课程设计作业、BIM等前沿智能化设计方法与工具、及现场参观和校外专家专题讲座)。 通过本课程的理论学习与设计实践,使学生掌握建筑的给水排水工程设计的基本原理和方法;了解建筑给排水工程的设计过程;学习并使用设计规范、标准图集等技术资料;培养学生从事建筑给水排水工程设计所需的基本素质和技能。课程以基本原理为指导,以实际工程为背景,强调理论与实践相结合,着重培养学生独立分析问题和运用所学知识解决问题的能力。

This course consists of three parts: 1. Preliminary knowledge: introduction to civil engineering (understanding of basic knowledge and building materials and construction), design of the pump and pump station; 2. Basic theory and knowledge of building water supply, fire protection, hot water, drainage, reclaimed water, landscape engineering in the building; 3. Design practice of building water supply and drainage engineering (including completing a complete course design assignment, new intelligent design method and tool, site visiting and special invited lectures by experts in the field). Through the theoretical study and design practice of this course, students can 1) master the basic principles and methods of water supply and drainage engineering design of buildings, 2) understand the design process of building water supply and drainage engineering, 3) learn and use design specifications, standard atlas and other technical data, 4) cultivate the basic skills for building water supply and sewerage engineering design. Guided by basic principles and with practical engineering as the background, the course emphasizes the combination of theory and practice, and focuses on cultivating students’ ability to analyze problems independently and solve problems with knowledge learned.