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Advanced Water Distribution System and Management


课程名称:高等管网系统与管理Advanced Water Distribution System and Management





Water distribution system is the channel and tie that runs through the whole process of water supply and drainage engineering and connects all engineering links and objects. The water supply system undertakes the tasks of conveying and distributing water supply, regulating pressure (pressurizing and depressurizing) and regulating water quantity, and plays a role of guaranteeing the water for users. The scientific research and the development and application of high tech on water supply network system have been paid close attention for a long time. This course focuses on the establishment and application of water distribution network model, emphasizes on training the ability of applying the model to engineering application and the ability of group cooperation, and strives to achieve two objectives:

(1) Knowledge: Students will have a deeper understanding of the theory, elements of the water distribution model, the analysis of water demand, model data, the EPANET, the verification of the hydraulic model, the application of the model in the system design, the simulation of water quality in the water supply network and the related theories. The application part of the model focuses on the application of the model in the design and management of the distribution network.

(2) Abilities: The course trains the students to master the whole process of model building, from data collection to model building, model checking and model application, and apply the checked model to solve the practical problems.

This course focuses on the establishment and application of water distribution network model.