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Atmospheric Chemical Transport Model


课程名称:大气化学传输模型Atmospheric Chemical Transport Model





Atmospheric chemical transport models (CTMs) are important tools in improving current understanding of air pollution control and trans-boundary transport of air pollution. The course covers major physical, dynamical, and chemical processes involved in the transport and transformation of important air pollutants in the global atmosphere. The course focuses on the mathematical realization and simulation of these processes by CTMs. Typical physical and dynamical processes to be covered by the course include advection, turbulence, diffusion, convection, and deposition. Typical chemical processes include photochemical reactions in the troposphere, aerosol chemistry, and heterogeneous reactions.

The course will specifically introduce the construction and technical details of several state-of-the-art global CTMs and compare them with regional and urban scale models. Readings and discussions of assigned English literature will provide insight into the application of atmospheric chemistry transport models to the study of transboundary transport of global pollutants (e.g., ozone, particulate matter, mercury, etc.) and the active role of CTMs in the development of environmental policy. This course also introduces the application of CTMs in China's air quality assurance tasks, the assessment of the effectiveness of pollutant reduction policies, and the prediction of air quality change trends in the context of China's specific climatic and atmospheric chemical environment. The pedagogical objectives of this course are to enable students to understand and master the above knowledge and to apply atmospheric CTMs in a practical manner, and to explore the potential of students to formulate and attempt to solve scientific problems.