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Sustainable Management of Water Resource and Environment


课程名称:水资源与水环境的可持续管理Sustainable Management of Water Resource and Environment




课程简介:本课程从水资源的社会循环即水源→饮用水处理及输配→污水管网系统及污水处理和再生回用讲述水资源的高效绿色利用和水环境的健康可持续管理方面的内容。课程分为水资源、饮用水和污水三大板块,但同时突出one water的理念及可持续管理的必要性和紧迫性。本课程的教学目标是使学生熟悉全球水资源现状、饮用水处理工艺和原理、供水输配水系统及智慧水务、污水处理和再生利用工艺和原理、污水管网系统等具体技术内容,以此为基础建立水资源的可持续利用和健康管理的意识。

This course introduces the green and efficient utilization of water resources and sustainable management of water environment, following a line from water source to drinking water treatment and distribution, and to sewage system and sewage treatment and recycling. The course is divided into three sections: water resources, drinking water, and wastewater, but also highlights the philosophy of One Water and the necessity and urgency of sustainable management. This course aims to enable students to be familiar with the status of global water resources, drinking water treatment technology and principles, water supply and distribution system and smart water, sewage treatment and recycling technology and principles, sewage systems and so on, based on which to build the awareness of sustainable use and healthy management of water resources.