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Advanced Water Treatment


课程名称:高等水处理工程Advanced Water Treatment





This course aims to provide theoretical enhancement of the content based on the basic principles and process knowledge of water treatment engineering that students have acquired at undergraduate level. The content of the course focuses on the physical and chemical treatment of water and targets to five main chapters, namely reaction kinetics, water treatment reactors, adsorption units, gas-liquid mass transfer and particulate separation. In addition to the above knowledge, lectures on academic frontiers will be arranged to introduce how to conduct experimental design and data analysis. Students are expected to become proficient in classical water treatment theory, understand cutting-edge technology in the field of water treatment, and be able to apply it to analyze water treatment-related problems encountered in research and life, and to acquire the ability to carry out data analysis and theoretical calculations for water treatment related research, and to have the responsibility and professional honor to undertake urgent and difficult water environment treatment tasks.