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Contaminant Transport Dynamics in Porous Media


课程名称:多孔介质污染物迁移动力学Contaminant Transport Dynamics in Porous Media





"Contaminant Transport Dynamics in Porous Media" is the science of studying the movement and transformation of fluids and pollutants in porous media. It is an important theoretical basis for environmental science, hydrogeology and engineering geology, geotechnics and soil hydraulics, and is widely used in environmental pollution prevention and control, water conservancy engineering, groundwater resources development and management, and regional environmental management. Main contents will be as follows: the theoretical basis of contaminant transport and transformation patterns in different media, transport and transformation equations and mathematical models, analytical solutions to problems under different conditions and their applications, numerical solutions to complex problems, methods of parameter determination, and advances in the discipline.

Through the course, students are expected to master the transport and transformation patterns, equations/formulas and application conditions of pollutants and perform application calculations; the widely used finite unit and finite difference numerical methods for solving transport and transformation problems of pollutants; a complete set of methods for solving practical problems from the generalization of basic environmental conditions to the establishment of mathematical models, to model solutions, and then to the application analysis of solutions. This course provides a solid theoretical foundation in pollutant transport dynamics and the ability to perform analytical calculations for practical problems.