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Joint Advanced Master Program in International Environmental Management (EnvIM)


The EnvlM Advanced Master Program has been created in 2007. It is a unique international environmental management program, designed to train high-level experts, able to understand international environmental management specificities and to develop new future innovative solutions. The approach is global, multicultural and based on an interdisciplinary education.

The program encompasses project work, teamwork and connection to industry rather than the research-oriented Master of Science programs. The majority of EnvlM. Students enters or returns to engineering practice after graduation. Each student is co-supervised by a supervisor at SOE and by a senior engineer/researcher from an industry or research institute.


Advanced Master from Mines ParisTech and lnsa Lyon

Master of Engineering Degree from Tsinghua University

Qualification of Applicants

• Tsinghua University full-time first/second grade master students majoring in environment related fields.

• Applicants with a degree of a "Grande Ecole" or a Master degree from accredited academic institutions.

• Master students at any MINES Paris partner University who have successfully completed at least eight course units in their graduate program or equivalent, in their academic curriculum.

• Other applicants holding a Bachelor Degree with professional experience or a Master degree from accredited academic institutions


Tsinghua University, MINES Paris and INSA Lyon will organize interviews respectively. After MINES Paris and INSA Lyon finish interviews, Tsinghua University will review the materials of the students who are selected by MINES Paris and INSA Lyon. If Tsinghua University has questions about some students' materials, Tsinghua University can organize further reviews to these students, such as interviews. Final selection of students shall be subject to a unanimous decision, which should be made no later than the end of March for the Tsinghua students and early July for other international students.

Course of Study

• Students will study at Tsinghua University for 4 months to earn 38 CC:

34 CC for the scientific environmental management contents;

4 CC for the cultural and language aspects.

• Students will study at Mines Paris & INSA Lyon for 4 months to 45ECTs for the academic parts.


• Application Fee: Waived

• Tuition Fees: Waived

• Accidental Injury and Hospitalization Insurance: CNY 600/year

• Living Expense: Self-funded

Financial Aid

All students selected form Tsinghua University will receive a scholarship of agreed amount which can sufficiently cover all the expenses which are related to the academic part of the program and which are not already covered by MINES Paris or Tsinghua University.

Contact Info

WANG Zejun

International Education Office

School of Environment (SOE) Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China

Email: hjxgs@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86-10-62797857