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DU Pengfei Met with Shoichi Kondo, Vice Minister of Environmental Ministry, Japan

  Shoichi Kondo, Vice Minister of Environmental Ministry of Japan, together with a delegation of 13 people visited Tsinghua University on January 11th. Vice President of Tsinghua University ZHANG Fengchang welcomed the guests. DU Pengfei, secretary of Party Committee of SOE, JI Junmin, secretary of Party Committee of Department of Logistics, vice director of General Office Tsinghua University, and ZHAO Mancheng, director of Repair Center, Tsinghua University accompanied him in the visit.

  ZHANG Fengchang welcomed Shoichi Kondo for the visit, and made a brief introduction of the history and development of Tsinghua University, achievements on green university construction, energy saving and emission reduction. Shoichi Kondo hoped for a closer cooperation between universities of both sides.

  After the meeting, DU Pengfei and Professor CHEN Lvjun of SOE showed around guests the Water Conservation Educational Laboratory and Reclaimed Water Treatment Demonstration Project at Zijing Apartment.