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The Second Working Meeting of the Second FESE Journal Editorial Committee Held in SOE

  The second working meeting of the second editorial committee of Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China (FESE), the SCI embodied journal administered by Tsinghua University and Higher Education Press, held at the building of SOE on the afternoon of January 8th. Associated editors from universities and scientific research institutions such as Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Science, Peking University, Zhejiang University, Nankai University, Dalian University of Technology, University of Science and Technology of China and relevant leaders from Higher Education Press attended the meeting.

  The meeting was presided by academician QIAN Yi, editor-in-chief of the journal. Dean of School of Environment YU Gang welcomed and expressed the desire of journal quality improvement and journal impact enhancement, expected better cooperation with Higher Education Press. 

  Deputy Chief Editor of Higher Education Press WU Xiang, introduced the internal development of Higher Education Press and the development situation of series journal Frontiers in 2010, wished further cooperation with Tsinghua University in the future and promoting FESE to be international journal with great impact.

  Executive Associate Editor-in-Chief of FESE, professor HUANG Xia reported the journal work in 2010, introduced the situation of manuscript increase in 2010, online submissions platform construction, plans about the future and so on. Academician HAO Jiming, academician QU Jiuhui and other participants fully affirmed the journal development in the past year, discussed actively and offered relevant suggestions about further journal quality improvement and academic impact enhancement of the journal. In the end, editor-in-chief QIAN Yi summarized the future work of this journal and expressed gratitude to Higher Education Press and editor teachers for big support.