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Grade 1997 Alumni Adopt a Persimmon Tree of SOE

    The adoption ceremony of the persimmon tree was held on April 24, at the south side of SIEEB where the tree is located. The tree was adopted by the Grade 1997 Alumni of SOE on the Centenary Celebration of Tsinghua University.

    Dean of SOE Yu Gang, Secretary of SOE Committee of the CPC Du Pengfei, Vice Dean Jiang Jianguo, Deputy-Secretary of SOE Committee of the CPC Liu Jianguo, Dean Assistant Liu Shuming, and they representatives of Grade 1991 Alumni attended the ceremony.

    Du Peng fei presided over the ceremony and extended welcome to the alumni, and said that the tree they adopted is the youngest persimmon tree of SOE, implying the vitality of Grade 1997 in the environmental protection career. Yu Gang and the alumni representative Du Bin jointly unveiled the adopted tree. Du Bin expressed the gratitude to SOE and Tsinghua on behalf of Grade 1997. Yu Gang extended thanks to the alumni and hoped everyone to work harder for the bright future.