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SOE Organizes 2011 High-level Water Technology Forum

    The 2011(5th) High-level Water Technology Forum, co-organized by SOE, China Water Net, and Water Industry Branch of China Civil Engineering Society was held in Beijing, from June 24 to 25.

    Deputy Secretary of Department of Science and Technology of Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection Liu Zhiquan and Deputy President of Tsinghua University Chen Jining attended this forum. Liu Zhiquan summarized the outcome of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment in the period of The Eleventh Five-Year Plan and looked forward to the future of this water program in The Twelfth Five-Year Plan. Chen Jining presented keynote speech titled as “Strategic thinking of water environment in the twelfth fiveyear plan”. This forum focused on the theme of “Technology power of strategic emerging industries” and main topics included technology policy, strategy of water environment, technology of water supply and related cases, new technology for city water environment treatment, desalination of sea water, technology in treating industry wastewater and related cases and chief engineer forum. More than 300 participants from enterprises, design institute and R&D institution attend the forum and discussed the development and growth of new technologies in Chinese water industry.