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National Key Program on Recycling Economy in Suzhou Sails through Final Acceptance Work

    “The Development and Application of Generic Technology of City Recycling Economy Development in Suzhou”, as one of the National Major Technology Programs in the Eleventh Five Year Plan, sailed through the final acceptance work.

    Tian Baoguo, Vice Director of the Department of Social Development of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Wang Lei, Director of China’s 21 Century Agenda Setting Center, Pu Ronggao, Vice Mayor of Suzhou, and Chen Jining, Executive Vice President of Tsinghua University attended the Acceptance meeting. They spoke highly of the program achievements for breaking the technology bottleneck and bringing up a technology route suitable to China’s actual conditions, promising a bright popularization prospect.

    Academician Zhang Yi, Qian Yi, and Jin Yong, and other experts provided on-the-spot guide for the program, and the demonstration projects were praised by representatives of national ministries and departments in the inspection.