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The 6th Tsinghua Environmental-friendly Science & Technology Competition Kicks Off

    The 6th Tsinghua Environmental-friendly Science & Technology Competition kicked off at SOE on April 8. Secretary of SOE Committee of the CPC Du Pengfei addressed the opening ceremony.

    The competition is co-organized by Tsinghua University, Tongji University, and Xi’An University of Architecture and Technology, and sponsored by Hach Company. It aims at advocating the concepts of energy conservation and environmental protection, as well as encouraging university students to participate in the construction of energy-saving and environmentally-friendly society with innovative technological ideas.

    Initiated in 2006, this annual event has become one of the seven five-star competitions of Tsinghua University since 2008, and is gaining an increasing amount of popularity.

    For more details about the competition, please refer to the website: