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Academic Committee of SKLMUEPSC Established

The Academic Committee of State Key Laboratory for Microbial Utilization for Environmental Protection and Safety Control (SKLMUEPSC) was established on December 3. SKLMUEPSC is a key laboratory approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) in March, 2011 and established on the base on the School of Environment (SOE), Tsinghua University. At the conference, Director of Division of Science and Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection Yu Jun made a speech to congratulate the establishment of the Academic Committee of the Key Laboratory, affirmed the importance of microbial utilization for environmental protection and its safety control and has high expectations for the Key Laboratory. Vice Secretary of SOE Committee of the CPC Liu Wenjun chaired the conference.

15 well-know experts in the field of environmental microbiology in China, including Vice president of Xi’an Univeristy of Architecture and Technology Prof. Wang Xiaochang, Prof. Cheng Shupei from Nanjing University were elected as members of the Academic Committee.