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Wang Jun of SOE wins the first prize of Environmental Friendly Science & Technology Competition

On September 9th, the 6th Environmental Friendly Science & Technology Competition (ESTC) awards ceremony was held in School of Environment, Tsinghua University.  Wang Jun from the School of Environment won the first prize of concept competition by the article “A new way to highly regenerate gas NOx catalyst for efficient coal-fired power plant flue”, Li Mengkai from Chinese Academy of Science won the first prize of practice competition by the article “Monitoring system of operation systems based on UV disinfection equipment of fluorescent probe”.

The ESTC aims to promote resource-saving and environmental-friendly philosophy by way of science competition and encouraging college students to get involved in the development of resource-saving and environmental-friendly society with their unique philosophy and inventions.  Since the first competition in 2006, the popularity of ESTC have increased constantly in terms of the number of participating units as well as geographic distributions, which made the ESTC as one of seven notable five-star competitions in Tsinghua University.

The ESTC competition received 190 works in total, with 101 valid pieces of work thus reaching the highest it has been in the past six years. 

Finally, seventeen pieces of work in concept and practice competition categories were picked out through the propaganda, start-up event, initial review, final reviews and defenses. The ESTC was sponsored by Tsinghua University, Tongji University and Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology. The leaders from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology and Tongji University as well as the teachers and students from Tsinghua University attended the ceremony.