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The 5th National Ph.D. Candidates Academic Conference Held

The 5th National Ph.D. Candidates Academic Conference was held in the lecture hall of SIEEB on Oct 20, 2011.

Prof. He Kebin on behalf of THU and Prof. Yu Gang on behalf of SOE rendered opening remarks respectively at the opening ceremony. Academician HaoJiming from SOE, Tsinghua University delivered plenary speeches. In his speech, Academician HaoJiming introduced the theory and key technology of the reduction of emission of sulfur dioxide.

The organizing committee of the conference received more than 120 abstracts from more than 40 famous universities in China including Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of Technology and Fudan University. More than 90 Ph.D. candidates selected from those who had submitted abstracts attended this 3-day conference, a number of previous conferences the most. They conducted deep discussion in areas of new theory, methodology and technology in environmental science and engineering, environmental microbiology, new material and energy, climate change and circular economy.