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SOE Ph.D. Candidate Zhang Xiaoyuan Awarded 2011 Tsinghua Top Grade Scholarship

Outstanding Tsinghua students were honored on December 17 at the 2011 Tsinghua Scholarship Award Ceremony in the Main Building. Secretary of CPC Committee of Tsinghua University Hu Heping, Vice President Yuan Si, Qiu Yong, and Vice Secretary of CPC Committee of Tsinghua University Shi Zongkai attended the ceremony.

Eleven students were awarded Tsinghua Top Grade Scholarship sand more than 300 students Jiang Nanxiang Scholarships, December Ninth Scholarships, Philobiblon Scholarships and Freshman Scholarships. Ph.D. Candidate Zhang Xiaoyuan from SOE received the Top Grade Scholarship.

Tsinghua Top Grade Scholarship originates from the year of 1989 and is set up for rewarding the most excellent undergraduate and graduate students. It is the highest honor for students in THU. Six graduate students and five undergraduate students were awarded this year.