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The Reform and Development Seminar of SOE 2011 Held

The Reform and Development Seminar of SOE 2011 was held from November 26 to 27. More than 80 faculty members from SOE attended the seminar. Dean of SOE Yu Gang, Vice Dean of SOE Zuo Jiane and Vice Secretary of SOE Committee of the CPC Liu Wenjun each made a report on the 3 important reforms and development work, including SOE’s 12th Five Year Plan, measures to strengthen personnel training and measures for talents introduction and training. The reports analyzed the status quo, challenges and opportunities of SOE, proposed development objectives during the “12th Five Year Plan” and introduced the work plans and programs for personnel training and team building. Participating teachers discussed the thematic reports in group and proposed a series of constructive recommendations on the three themes. The seminar cleared the recent and mid-term development goals of SOE for the SOE teachers, improved the work plans and reached a consensus for the reform program, which is of great importance.