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Academician Steven Lindow Delivers Report in SOE

The 30th Environmental Forum was held in SIEEB on Jan 4. Steven Lindow, a member of American Academy of Science and professor of University of California at Berkeley, was invited to give a report named “Interactions between microbes and the plants on which they live” at Room 533. Duan Lei, Vice Dean of SOE,presided over the lecture.

Prof. Lindow’s research area focuses on Interactions between microbes and the plants on which they live, especially on the realm of Phyllosphere microbiology. He also does research on survival strategies, pathology and applied ecology. He has a few papers published on top journals like Science and PNAS and received many fundamental and applied scientific awards like Ruth Allen, CIBA/GEIGY and P&G.

In the report, He introduced microbes’ (mainly bacteria) circular movement between leaf surface, air and clouds, their dual function on plants and the method of utilizing bacteria to control plant diseases and reduce frost. Furthermore, He shared his detection way of using green fluorescent protein as a kind of biologicalfactors and research findings about cell immigrant and quorum sensing. He had a discussion with the attending students at the end of the forum.