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Liu Xuehua chairs the 53rd Neodoxy Academic Salon

The 53rd Neodoxy Academic Salon was held in Beijing from July 21-22, 2011, with the theme “Advantages, problems and future of the combination of 3S technology and assessment on wildlife habitat”. Professor Liu Xuehua of SOE, Ouyang Zhiyun of the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Zhu Jianguo of Kunming Institute of Zoology at CAS were invited as the chief scientists for the salon.

More than 20 experts and scholars attended the salon, which was sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology and co-sponsored by the China Zoological Society. The combination of 3S technology and assessment on wildlife habitat is currently a popular research area in animal ecology, as 3S technology could provide fast, real-time, exact, large-scale and visual information for extensive applications. The attendants had in-depth discussions on various topics related to the theme, including discussions on models, technologies and advantages of 3S technology combined with wildlife habitat assessment; application and problems of 3S technology and radio tracking on wildlife habitat utilization; How to apply 3S technology to habitat assessment and management of animal reserves; How to efficiently spread 3S technology; and opportunities and challenges of the application of 3S technology on wildlife protection.