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Jonathan Pleim Delivers Speech in SOE

SOE held the 65th Environmental Forum on Dec12.Dr. Jonathan Pleim, Chief of the Atmospheric Model Development Branch (AMDB) of USEPA, was invited to deliver an academic report named “2-way Coupled WRF-CMAQ Modeling for Hemispheric to Mesoscale to Urban Scale Air Quality Modeling”, in which he introduced the framework, mechanism and application of new WRF-CMAQ Model developed by AMDB. Prof. HaoJiming, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and more than 20 graduate students attended this salon.

WRF-CMAQ is a two-way coupled atmospheric dynamics-chemistry model. In order to make the model more applicableto real current situation, it includes the consideration of the impact of aerosol on shortwave, long-wave, rain and clouds and that of ozone on long-wave. Dr. Pleimis committed himself to the research of the interaction between air pollution and the weather and the climate. His work focuses on models of MM5, WRF, ADOM, RADM and CMAQ.