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Textbook Compiled by Teachers of SOE Selected 2011 Quality Textbooks of Regular Higher Education

Recently, the Ministry of Education (MOE) released the list of 2011 quality textbooks for regular higher education. 276 textbooks in China were selected as 2011 high quality textbooks for regular higher education and among them Air Pollution Control Engineering (3rd Edition) edited by Academician Hao Jiming and Associate professor Wang Shuxiao was included. In addition, 10 textbooks compiled by Tsinghua University teachers were also in the list.

In the successive year of 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011, MOE carried out an assessment for the published “the 11th five year plan” textbooks of regular higher education and 995 textbooks in total were selected as quality textbooks. Among them, 44 textbooks compiled by Tsinghua University teachers were selected.