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Chai Zhifang Delivers Report at the Environmental Forum

SOE holds the 28th Environmental Forum on Oct 23. Prof. Chai Zhifang, CAS Academician from the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), was invited to the forum and delivered a report entitled, “Present status and future perspectives of environmental radiochemistry”.

At the opening of the report, Prof. Chai Zhifang explained the definition of environmental radiochemical and introduced several related research hotspots including environmental indicators, low-dose irradiation, natural radioactive substances, formation of radionuclide and radioactive waste chemistry. He also cited cases of application of Uranium-238, cesium-137and thorium -234 as environmental indicators and discussed the function of low-dose irradiation and the future of nuclear energy development after several world famous nuclear accidents.

Prof. Chai Zhifang was awarded the first and second CAS award for natural sciences and received the George von Hevesy Prize in 2005 which is the top international prize in the field of Radiation Analytical Chemistry and Nuclear chemistry.

Prof. Wang Hongtao, member of the Academician Committee of Tsinghua University, presided over this forum. Prof. Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, Prof. Wang Yi from Division of Solid Waste Management & Recycling and around 50 students attended the forum.