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South-China Alumni Association of SOE Established in Shenzhen

South-China Alumni Association of SOE was established in Shenzhen on Dec 24. Zhang Jinsong, Chief Engineer of Shenzhen Water Group who graduated from SOE in 1981, was selected as the first president.

Of those who attended, included Guo Liang, Secretary-General of Tsinghua University Alumni Association, Lie Zengbiao, Vice President and Secretary-General of Tsinghua University Guangzhou Alumni Association, Yan Shugang, Secretary-General of Tsinghua University Shenzhen Alumni Association, Zhao Qinggang, Secretary of Tsinghua University Graduate School At Shenzhen(TGSS) Committee of CPC, Jing Wenyong, the first Department head of Department of Environmental Engineering, Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, Du Pengfei, Secretary of SOE of CPC Committee, Hu Hongying, Vice Dean of TGSS, ZuoJian’e, Vice Dean of SOE and Liu Jianguo, Deputy Secretary of the SOE CPC Committee. Nearly 180 alumni of SOE presented in the ceremony.

South-China Alumni Association of SOE is comprised of alumni of SOE and former DESE, who work in the region of South China and alumni of THU, who’s career related to environmental protection in that region. It aims to strengthen communication between alumni of SOE or those who have something to do with SOE in the region of South China. This is the second local alumni association of SOE after East China Alumni Association of SOE established.