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New Visiting Professor Bruce Logan delivered a speech on THU Environmental Forum

Bruce Logan, Director of Engineering Energy & Environmental Institute and Director of Hydrogen Energy (H2E) Center in Penn State University (PSU) , was offered to be a visiting professor of SOE and delivered a speech on THU Environmental Forum after the ceremony on Mar 20.

Prof. Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, awarded Prof. Logan the letter of appointment in the ceremony and the topic of the speech is about“Microbial Electrochemical Technologies (METs) Meet Salinity Gradient Energy”.Prof. Logan introduced the development of their researches on Microbial Fuel Cells(MFC) and derived processes and had warm discussion about related areas with students.

Prof. Logan’s area of research covers bio-energy, especially MFC and H2 production using MECs, along with bacterial adhesion, biological treatment of wastewater and bio-remediation. He has published more than 300 papers in high-esteemed journals like Science and PNAS and the total cited number exceeds 13000. He has also issued many books like “Microbial Fuel Cells”, which is the first book about MFC in the world, and “Environmental Transport Processes”.