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SOE Awarded 2011 THU Energy Saving & Emission Reduction Advanced Unit

THU energy saving conference and 2011 energy saving &emission reduction advanced units and individuals award ceremony, organized by Green University Office of Tsinghua University (GUOTU)and Campus Reparation and Management Center, was held in Xi Jie Hall on Mar 7. Zhang Fengchang, Vice President of Tsinghua,QiuXianqing, Vice Dean of General Affairs, and other 50 persons in charge attended the conference.

18 advanced units and 12 advanced individuals were awarded for their contributions in energy saving management and energy saving technology application. SOE, Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment Group of SOE and Student Green Association of Tsinghua University were selected as advanced collectives. GUOTU issued the collective awards aiming at encouraging to build energy-efficient university.