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SOE Holds EC2 Policy Seminar on Biomass Energy

Organised in cooperation with Europe-China Clean Energy Centre(EC2) Partners, Tsinghua University and the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (EMCCC), EC2 "Policy Seminar on Biomass Energy", co-hosted with  the Strategic Alliance on Technological Innovation of Urban Biomass Gas Industry,was held in SOE on Mar 28.

The seminar, with a strategic focus on the biomass energy industry, aims to provide insights and explanations on policies related to biomass energy under the framework China XII Five-Year Plan, with an emphasis on latest updates in policies, regulations and enforcements in regards to the use of agriculture waste and municipal waste, implemented in order to meet the targets of the proportion of renewable energy in the energy mix by 2015. Examples of solutions provided under current and related EU policies and regulations is also presented and discussed.

Prof. Wang Wei presided over the seminar. More than 50 delegates from Ministry of Agriculture, Energy Research Institute National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural development of the People’s Republic of China, SOE and EMCCC attended the seminar.