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Award Ceremony of Veolia Outstanding and Innovative Scholarship Held

The Award ceremony of 2012 Veolia Outstanding and Innovative Scholarship (VOIS) was held on June 18.

Asian CEO of Veolia Environmental Group Luc Zeller, Asian Vice President of Veolia Zhang Hong, Dean of SOE Yu Gang and Vice Dean of SOE ZuoJian’e attended the ceremony, while Vice Secretary of SOE Committee of the CPC Liu Jianguo presiding over the meeting.

There were 7 Comprehensive Awards, 139 Individual Excellence Awards, 3 Impressive Sports Clubs and 1 Outstanding Volunteer Group Awards declared during the ceremony. Luc Zeller and Yu Gang issued the award certificates.

VOIS is sponsored by the Veolia Environmental Group to support personnel training of SOE. Students with outstanding performances in scientific innovation, academic research, social practice, voluntary service, sports and arts and social work shall be awarded. More than 300 students have received the scholarship over the last 3 years.