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Director of GMV Chalmers Visits

Prof. Katarinna Gardfeldt, Director of the Centre for Environment and Sustainability, GMV, visited SOE with other four teachers from Chalmers University of Technology (CUT) on May 9. Prof. ZuoJian’e, Vice Dean of SOE, and Prof. Wang Yujue, Dean Assistant attended the welcome meeting.

The issue of the graduate’s joint-training program was discussed in the meeting. Prof. Gardfeldt made a brief introduction of GWV and CUT and then discussed several cases of cooperation between GWV and other famous universities and enterprises. Prof. Zuo presented the sample of International Advanced Master Program in Environmental Management between THU and Ecole Poly Technique. Both sides expressed willingness to strengthen cooperation after five years of communication and signed at the end of the meeting an agreement on a joint master training program.