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IIASA Director Pavel Kabat Delivers Speech at SOE

Professor Pavel Kabat, the Director of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), was invited to Tsinghua Environmental Forum and delivered an academic report entitled, “Integrated Science and Systems Approaches in Support of Global Transitions: Case Study of Energy and Water”on May 8.

Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, presided over the forum and around 50 students and teachers attended the lecture. Prof. Kabat discussed some hot issues existing in the process of globalization, especially on food, water, energy and climate change. He systematically elucidated the relationship between the above four aspects by means of the integrated analysis and introduced the frontier of the realm of system analysis. He also talked about the methodology of Global Energy Assessment (GEA) and its database development using several real cases.

Prof. Kabat’s research focuses on Water Cycle, Climate Hydrology, Water Resources and Climate Change. He has more than 200 papers and 8 books that have been published.