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Fund for International Academic Exchanges of SOE launches

The Fund for International Academic Exchanges of SOE sponsored by Lao Niu Foundation (LNF) was launched in THU on April 25.

Lei Yongsheng, Secretary-General of LNF, Deng Wei, Deputy Secretary of the THU Committee of CPC, Huang Jianhua, Vice Chairman of the board of Tsinghua University Education Foundation, and Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, attended the ceremony and each delivered a speech. LNF donated 5 million RMB to set this fund in order to promote international academic exchanges of SOE students. Deng Wei offered Lei Yongsheng the certificate of honor to express the gratitude of THU. Nearly 30 attendees were present at the celebration.

LNF was initiated by Niu Gensheng and aims to collect money for charity activities, which mainly cover areas of environmental protection, culture and education, medical care and sanitation, rural issues and aid to those suffering disasters and difficulties. Niu Gensheng donated all his stocks and part shares of Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy (Group) Co., Ltd. for the foundation of LNF. LNF has cooperated with over 80 institutions and finished more than 100 charity projects. The total amount of money donated exceeds 305 million RMB.