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SOE Welcomes Freshmen of 2012

The opening ceremony of 2012 freshmen in SOE was held in SIEEB on Augest 26. According to the Admissions Office, 87 ungraduate freshmen and 149 graduate freshmen were admitted to SOE in 2012.

Professor Qian Yi, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivered an opening speech to encourage the 2012 new comers. Professor Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, gave a brief introduction of the SOE and academic deciplines in the area of Environment Science and Technology. Student Representatives shared their experiences and feelings at THU. Several special programs and scholarships set-up for students in SOE were described during the ceremony.

Professor Huang Xia, Director of the Academician Committee of SOE, Professor Duan Lei and Professor Jiang Jianguo, Vice Deans of SOE, Professor Liu Jianguo, Deputy Secretary of the SOE Committee of CPC, and other teacher representatives also attended the ceremony. Professor Zuo Jiane, Vice Dean of SOE, presided over the ceremony.